Monday, September 7, 2015

Post 83: Week 28

Week 28

-Baby is the Size of: a head of cauliflower 
-Weight Gain: 10 pounds, maybe a few more! Eek!
-Stretch Marks: still only on my butt cheeks, and starting on the underside of my chest.
-Sleep: very interrupted. I'm up 2-3 times a night either to pee or eat!
-Movement: All the time! Shaun finally got to feel hiccups this week! 
-Favorite or Funny Moment: Dance classes started back, and one of our students asked if the baby was going to fall out when I did a pliƩ! I also failed my one hour glucose test, and will be doing a jelly bean test in the next few weeks to see if I pass the second time. It requires eating 52 jelly beans, and having my blood sugar checked every hour for three hours. Hopefully I pass the test, and don't throw up the jelly beans!
-Sickness: Yep. Hasn't gone away yet.
-Feeling: Very pregnant. My stomach has grown quite a bit, and Julie is running out of room quickly. The tightening is a new feeling, and is quite uncomfortable. 
-Symptoms: Exhaustion, nesting, hungry, nausea, and peeling like crazy!
-Cravings: Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits from McDonalds with a round egg. They're sooooo good right now!
-Aversions: Spicy foods. I can't even smell spicy foods without getting indigestion. Oh how I miss buffalo wings!
-Purchases: Disper bag, coming home outfit, clothes, travel high chair, and bathtub. 
-Photos or Videos: