Friday, November 6, 2015

Post 85: Week 36

Post 85: Week 36

Week 36

-Baby is the Size of: a cabbage patch kid doll
-Weight Gain: 17 pounds and holding steady 
-Stretch Marks: none new to report 
-Sleep: pregnant women sleep? Between waking up to eat and pee, I'm averaging about three hours of sleep each night. I feel slightly like a zombie, and struggle to keep my eyes open. 
-Movement: Julie is definitely on a schedule! She moves like crazy throughout the day, but major movement happens at 9PM, 4AM, 11AM, and 4PM. It also happens any time I eat, or when I drink something ice cold. Julie's movements are a lot stronger now, and are beginning to hurt as she's running out of room, but I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything, and it's the one part of pregnancy I will really miss. 
-Favorite or Funny Moment: Three words: Hope and Larry! We completed prepared childbirth classes from weeks 33-35 of pregnancy, at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. There was only one other couple in our class - Hope and Larry. We could not have been more different, and the nurse leading the class did a wonderful job of balancing our differences. For starters, we met Hope and Larry in the parking lot. Hope was smoking, and her first words were, "Y'all here for them breathin' classes?" We said yes, that we were there to learn about giving birth, and that breathing was probably going to be covered. 

-Sickness: I've not actually been sick in a few weeks now, but I'm still nauseous most days, especially if I go more than 2-3 hours without eating. 
-Feeling: tired and achy. I've been having contractions occasionally, and they take a lot of energy. I'm definitely slowing down, but I think it's more due to the lack of sleep than pregnancy. 
-Symptoms: Nausea, soreness, extreme indigestion, achy abdomen, contractions, sleeplessness, and increased appetite.
-Cravings: Corn Pops cereal, pasta, and Halloween candy! 
-Aversions: not many at this point. I've avoided spicy foods for a long time, but have started eating them again now that labor is close and safe. 
-Purchases: We finished purchasing items from our registry this month. After a few hours in Target, we ended up with a carload of diapers, wipes, clothing, a humidifier, swisher, breast pump, and the Mamaroo swing! Ani loves the swing, and may fight Julie for it. He sleeps in it almost every night, and loves to have it rock and play music while he naps. 
-Photos or videos; 

Photos from our shower at the farm;

Belly Photos: