Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Post 17: The IUI

There's nothing more romantic than a lube free hand job in a sketchy motel room! Per our doctor's orders, Shaun and I booked a hotel room for the big event - our first IUI! The directions were simple: 1) at 7:00PM begin masturbation without using lube, water, or spit; 2) make sure to catch the full sample in the collection cup; 3) place filled sample cup between breasts and drive to doctor's office; 4) give sample to doctor by 8:00PM so it may be prepared for insemination procedure; 5) wait an hour for sample to be prepped; 6) get naked and knocked up with an extremely long catheter; 7) lay upside down for 15 minutes and let gravity take it's course.

Well, we started strong - we arrived at the hotel a few minutes early. But from there, things just didn't "work!" Shaun had performance anxiety, and being on a time limit didn't help matters. So, at 8:00PM, when we still didn't have a sample, we decided to go to David's office empty handed. 

When we walked in, David directed Shaun to an empty exam room to complete the process. About 10 minutes later, we were back on track and good to go.

David performed our first IUI, we stopped by Papa John's and shared a small pizza, and headed back to our sketchy motel room to turn in for the night. We did our "homework" as instructed, and headed home the next morning. 

The waiting game started once we got home. I'd had the IUI, and there was nothing more to do than wait for the results. Two weeks later, I took a pregnancy test. It was negative. Soon after, my period started, and we started the entire process over again. 

We would go on to try IUI three times in total. Each month with impressive sperm counts and great follicles, and none of them worked. My world had been turned upside down. The only remaining treatment for us was invitro fertilization (IVF) and David wasn't qualified to do it.

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