Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Post 79: Team Pink!

We had our first appointment of our second trimester today! Cleatus had a strong heartbeat, and David said things look good, and to come back in five weeks for another check up. Since we were already in Beckley, we decided to visit Love at First Sight Sonography, an independent ultrasound practice. Since we didn't have an ultrasound with David today, and don't have one until the anatomy scan between 20-22 weeks, we decided to do a private ultrasound to check on Cleatus and learn the gender. Though they can't say with 100% positivity, they were certain that we're having a girl! Cleatus is officially Julia Rose, and we are thrilled! She measured exactly with our IVF dates, and the ultrasound tech said she looks extremely healthy. Throughout the ultrasound she kept waving, talking, and playing with her mouth. It was adorable! We had a great heart rate of 160, and she looked perfect! We'll go back for another private ultrasound at our next appointment on July to double check that it's still a girl, but the tech said he'd be extremely shocked if he was wrong, and with over 20 years experience, I trust his word. It was so wonderful to see a healthy, growing, wiggling baby girl, and I can't wait until November when I get to hold her in my arms. Let the countdown begin! 

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