Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Post 61: Ouch, ouch, ouch!!

Today, I was the recipient of an endometrial biopsy. Ouch. Did I say ouch? Ouch! Though the procedure was quick, it was not pleasant. However, Dr. Johnston was excellent, and explained the procedure beforehand, and everything went exactly as planned. She said I had a little irritation, possibly from yeast, but it could also be because I'm still in my period. So, for the procedure, they insert a speculum, swab and clean my insides, pass a tube into my uterus, and for 10 seconds, scrape my lining to gather a sample. I was lucky that it only took one pass. If she didn't gather enough tissue, then they would have repeated the scraping process. 

Hopefully, my results will come back normal, and there isn't any chronic inflammation. We should know in about a week. Until then, it's just a waiting game. The good part about this procedure is that it improves implantation rates, so here's to hoping the next set of embryos stick! 

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