Wednesday, March 14, 2018

(Backup) Post 93: Stress

I’m not sure if my stress levels could be any higher than they are now. Between fighting with insurance and pharmacies, not receiving my prescriptions, having a financial meeting with my parents, and tearing out our kitchen, it has been one heck of a day. Did I mention that today was also the last time I’ll nurse Julie? We leave for Florida tomorrow, and I start my medications while we’re there. Since they aren’t safe for nursing, I have to stop. Julie is 2 (and a quarter) years old, but still loves her “nilkers” for breakfast each day. So tomorrow will be emotional. 

Not only are we weaning tomorrow, it’s also our first time leaving Julie. I’ve spent one night away from her since birth, and I was less than two miles away. Shaun was also home at the time. She’s never been without both of us for more than a few hours, and never at night. Courtney (our amazing sitter) will be here from 6:30AM until bedtime tomorrow, then Shaun’s parents and sister will be here until we return on Sunday. We had a pajama party tonight, with lots of extra cuddles, before bedtime. Then we talked for about half an hour about the upcoming trip, and what it means for her - going over details in toddler speak - before she was ready to crash and I was ready to let go. 

As much as I’ll miss her, I’m also beyond excited for this trip. Shaun and I are headed to Marco Island, Florida, courtesy of AT&T, for the Summit Convention. We will be pampered all weekend! A trip to the spa, spending allowance each day, a selection of gifts to choose from, and a formal dinner and night of dancing. Shaun is required to attend the meetings each day, but I am free to come and go as I wish. I do believe I’ll read a book, relax, and prepare for the coming weeks. My period should start a few days after we return, then I start stimming. It will be good to have an adult only trip, to reconnect and make sure we’re on the same page.

We also have a lot to discuss after our family financial meeting today. My dad is beginning his retirement from all the family businesses, and in five years, will turn his empire over to Sara and myself to run. Our family spent the entire day going through medical directives, power of attorney, life insurance policies, trust funds, checking accounts, and more. I could have used a translator for a good portion of the meeting. We were also informed that he’s forgiving our loan for Julie, and the upcoming cycle, and forgiving the same amount for a personal loan to Sara. 

I’m still in shock and awe over my parents financial status. I knew they saved and invested smartly, and had a ballpark figure of where they stand, but had no idea until today what it means for me, Julie, and any other direct heirs to the Hudson name. Shaun and I live within our means, on about $2000/month.  That amount is pocket change to my parents. We are supposed to come up with ways for them to spend money on us. We decided collectively that it was better to spend the money now, rather than waiting until they’ve passed away. To enjoy the time with our families while our children are young. Now, we get to dream. What would you purchase or request if you were inheriting a substabtial amount of money? 

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