Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Post 91: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!

Just when we thought we knew the plan, we were wrong! Dr. Johnston had prepared us to move our timeline up for our retrieval. We were supposed to be back at her office on Wednesday and Friday, but after looking at the ultrasound, she decided Thursday and Saturday would be better, and egg retrieval would be on Monday or Tuesday. We got home from our visit, I explained the new plan to Courtney, called Tom and Linda so they’d be here to travel with me Thursday, rescheduled a court date, and thought we were good to go. 

When I got to the studio, I checked my email. I had a new message from Roxanne. She said that based on the blood results, they want to see me Wednesday. Ugh. I just cancelled those plans! I responded and said we’d be there, and asked if the egg retrieval was still looking to be early next week. Lauren replied and said that based on the number of follicles I have, and my increasing estrogen level, that they don’t expect me to make it to next week. What!?! Yikes! I was not expecting this to move so quickly. I’m just starting to wrap my head around the fact that we’re doing IVF again, and now my timeline has been moved up almost a full week. Eek!

I cancelled Tom and Linda, they’ll be here for Easter, but not any earlier, and talked to Courtney about riding with me to Wake Forest on Wednesday. I can make the trip alone, but almost six hours in a car is a long time for silence. 

My instructions from Roxanne also included new medication dosages. I’m continuing 112 units of Gonal F, 65 units of Menopur, and will also add a vile of Ceteotide beginning tonight. Cetrotide prevents my body from ovulating naturally, which allows the eggs to mature further. I’ll also add the HCG booster to help mature them even further before retrieval. So, here’s to shots, new plans, and an updated timeline! We’ll know by Wednesday when we’ll take the trigger shot, and will schedule the retrieval. Ahhh! Let’s do this! 

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