Friday, October 3, 2014

Post 30: Two Year Mark

We'd passed the two year cycle mark a few months ago, but today marks two calendar years of TTC. We're officially at 24 calendar months, and 28 cycles, and I have yet to see two lines on a pregnancy test. It also signifies the anniversary of my moms diagnosis of frontal temporal dementia, and her 57th birthday. It's a sad day, but we celebrate joyously. We're blessed that my mother is still functioning unassisted, and though her conversations are not as detailed, she is, essentially, the same woman she's always been. I am beyond grateful to still have both of my parents, and am thankful for every day God gives me with them. My mom is my rock, and has been a wonderful support system. On the plus side, I can tell her the same story ten times, and it's always new to her!

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