Thursday, May 1, 2014

Post 9: Bactrim - Back Again

Just when I thought I was through with the drama, bactrim came back to bite me in the butt! I finished taking the 10 day antibiotic, and even though it had made me pretty sick, I didn't think anything of it. I'm not someone who regularly takes medication, and I knew it was really strong, so I just brushed off the sickness as a side effect. However, two days after finishing the prescription, I woke up covered in a head-to-toe rash! 

Shaun called the nurse line that is included as part of our insurance, and for the next 30 minutes, I became a patient, and Shaun was the doctor. The actual nurse instructed Shaun to do everything from pinching and poking my rash, to putting my arm under hot water, and then holding an ice cube against the rash! We had stumped the nurse line, so we headed to urgent care. 

As soon as the doctor saw me, she said she knew exactly what was wrong. I am officially allergic to bactrim, and all sulfa drugs! So, after 10 days of bactrim, I got to start a 5 day does of steroids. I also got a very large shot in the butt to kick start the steroids! The bad part about steroids is that they caused me to have insomnia; the good part was that my house was spotless! 

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