Thursday, May 1, 2014

Post 11: Becoming a Druggie

After my period started, I was devastated. We had tried everything in the book to conceive naturally, and it wasn't happening, so we decided it was time for the next steps. In early March, we visited David again to discuss our options. I was hoping for intrauterine insemination (turkey baster method) or IUI for short, David had other plans. He decided that I should start clomid. Even though I ovulate on my own, clomid had the ability to produce more eggs, and better quality eggs, based on which days it is taken. 

I left David's office with a prescription for 50 mg of clomid on days 3-7, with my second day 21 progesterone test. Again, Shaun was told he had "homework" to do, and that we should get busy! Somehow, men always get the easier job. We get poked, prodded, scoped, and drugged, and they get sex. It's not quite a fair trade in my opinion. 

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