Saturday, March 7, 2015

Post 73: transfer day!!

Another day, another transfer! We just left the doctor's office, and for the second time in my life, I am pregnant with twins! They didn't give me a quality rating, but everyone seemed a lot more positive today. The embryos weren't fragmented, and had clear margins. This was a huge improvement from last time. 

Even Dr. Shu, the embryologist, only had positive things to say today. We also have all five remaining embryos being watched until tomorrow to decide if they're high enough quality to freeze. One of them looks really fragmented, but the other four look really good.

I'm so much more hopeful after seeing the embryos and talking with the doctors. It's amazing how a little positive energy from them can make a world of difference in our attitude. Fingers crossed, and prayers greatly appreciated, for these babies to stick! We are so ready to be parents, and believe wholeheartedly that this will work! 

My comedy act for the day included not peeing on my doctor during the transfer! With a transfer, you have to have a full bladder. This typically includes arriving at the office, emptying your bladder, drinking 20 ounces of water, waiting 20 minutes, then moving ahead with the procedure. We arrived early, and since it was a Saturday, the actual building isn't really open - only certain offices. Therefore, only a single stall bathroom was available, and being polite, I let my mom use it first. As soon as she went into the bathroom, I got called back for my consultation. I expected to have a chance to use the bathroom before the procedure, but it didn't happen. They told me I could pee a little, but I knew that if I tried, j would fail, so we went ahead and started with an extremely full bladder. The transfer procedure includes pushing on your abdomen with an ultrasound wand while the embryos are inserted through a catheter. It's over in about 20 minutes, then there's a 20 minute timespan where you lay with your feet propped up. It probably wouldn't have phased me if we didn't start talking about the weather, which led to a conversation about flooding. For future reference, never talk about flooding on a full bladder! Mid conversation Dr. Johnston asked me to relax my legs - I swear I willed my pee to stay put. I don't think I've come that close to having an accident since I was a toddler! Luckily, no pee left my body, and I got a good apology for having to discuss water instead of thinking dry thoughts! 

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