Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Post 76: beta day!

Today was the first time I've ever been excited for bloodwork! I had my first beta, and it's official! We're pregnant! YAY!! We woke up (Monday, March 16th) early, I got my progesterone shot, and we were at the hospital a little before 8AM. Registration took forever! When we arrived at the hospital, we were given a buzzer and told to wait in the waiting room until they called our number. Our wonderful hospital only had one person working at registration, and it took 45 minutes to get registered. I'd never seen such slow service. There were only three people in line in front of me. It was ridiculous! Once we were finally registered, we headed to the lab. About 20 minutes later they had drawn my blood, and we were on our way out the door for breakfast. It takes an hour to get the results, so Shaun and I headed to the mall to set up the studio, dropped off my car at the shop to get fixed since someone hit me in the Verizon parking lot last week, then we headed back to get the results.

I knew that the result should have been positive, but I was still completely terrified as we waited at the window for medical records to give us the piece of paper than could forever change our lives. Shaun and I held hands the entire time, and finally she gave me the results. I saw the number immediately! My HCG was 112! Our doctor wanted any number over 50, so we were off to an awesome start! We started walking down the hallway of the hospital, still holding hands, and Shaun asked if I was going to let him see the results. I handed him the paper, and in the middle of the hospital, he started cheering, and kept repeating, "It's not zero! It's not zero!" It was the sweetest response I could have asked for! 

We go back on Wednesday for more bloodwork to make sure that my numbers are doubling correctly, so, from now until then I am cautiously exited about being pregnant! Ahhh! I never thought I'd get to use that word to describe myself! I'm pregnant! 

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