Friday, March 13, 2015

Post 74: cravings and maybe a symptom

Progesterone is my worse enemy! Not only do I have to get shot in the butt each day, but it causes cravings and an increased appetite, so I eat like it's going out of style and pack on a few pounds of babyless baby weight. My cravings this time have included macaroni and cheese, and Japanese ginger salad dressing. I've also been living off of peanutbutter chocolate chip cookies, and peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches, which they do not sell at Subway, in case you were wondering. I believe that I officially have the diet of a toddler, but after following such a strict diet last time, and being faced with negative results, I figure this time, I'll just enjoy the ride, and eat what I want. It's definitely reduced my stress levels as I'm not forcing myself to eat avocados and nuts each day. I eat fairly healthily as it is, plus take a pre-natal vitamin, iron supplement, and probiotic each day. I think that should be enough!

As far as symptoms go, I have almost none. I have crazy cravings, but I know they're directly related to the progesterone. However, I do have one new symptom that I've never had as long as we've been trying. I've been cramping since the day we transferred the embryos. I'm really hopeful that it may be the embryo implanting, but I know it could also be my body rejecting what it sees as a foreign body. I'm 6 days past a 5 day transfer, and am still cramping. It comes and goes throughout the day, and is worse when I do something physical. I'm not doing much besides watching tv, but when I walk, or carry something light, I can feel a pulling in my uterus. It feels like my period is right around the corner, but since it's been going on for six days, I know it's not the case. I'm praying this is a good sign, and that we will get the best news of our lives on Monday. Only three days until we learn our fate as parents. It's a day that I'm both dreading and excited to arrive. Only positive thoughts until then! 

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