Friday, November 7, 2014

Post 42: Holy Cow!

Our second ultrasound appointment at Wake Forest was shocking! I've been through more ultrasounds than I care to think about, so I'm used to seeing the follicles on the screen. Typically there's maybe five on each side of varying sizes, and one or two dominant follicles. Yesterday, Shaun and I stared in amazement as the ultrasound tech found twenty-three large follicles! There were thirteen dominant follicles, five on the right, and eight on the left, and multiple smaller follicles. The twenty-three that she counted were on track to be harvested next week!  This definitely explains my bloated stomach.

Also, my blood work came back, and my estrogen level was at 552, which is much higher than a regular estrogen level (150), but is in line with IVF treatments, when the levels can get to 4000. However, my number was progressing a little quicker than they wanted, so they're changing the dosage of my gonal-f. So, now I'm taking 187 IU gonal-f (dropped from 225 IU), 75 IU menopur, 5 IU Lupron (dropped from 10 IU when I started stims), 100 mg doxycycline twice a day, and 81 mg aspirin. I am officially a druggie! 

The current game plan is to go back to Wake Forest on Monday and Wednesday of next week for monitoring, then they'll do my egg retrieval either Thursday or Friday, depending on how I've progressed. So, only one more week until retrieval, then five more days until transfer! The end is near!

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