Saturday, November 29, 2014

Post 47: Transfer day!

It's finally happened! I am officially pregnant with twins! I know that they may not stick, but for today, and until proven otherwise, I am officially pregnant! Shaun wasn't able to go to the transfer with me, so my best friend, Angel, took me to the appointment. I believe our friendship is on an entirely different level now. She was able to be in the room with me, and while I was in stirrups, getting ready, she was my champion and prayer warrior by my side. She got to watch as they carried in the embryos, and placed them in my uterus. It's an amazing process to watch, but also a process that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Transfer day was beyond exciting and nerve wracking.  My directions were to arrive at the doctor's office at 1:45, drink 20 ounces of water starting at 1:30, and that the procedure would start at 2:00.  We arrived right on time, I drank my water, and the procedure was postponed for about an hour.  They finally called us back to discuss the procedure, and the quality of my embryos.  I don't think I had ever been more nervous.  The embryologist came into the room to introduce himself, and he began to make me even more nervous.  He started talking, and the first words out of his mouth were, (please read this with a very heavy Asian accent):  "You make a me so nervous, I so worried about your embryos.  You so young.  You should have lots of blastocysts, but you only has three.  Girl before you had 18.  We no think your embryos become blastocysts, but this morning they did.  I no tell you the quality, but they where they should be.  Here's the picture of your two blastocysts.  The bottom one is better than the top one.  Top one has fragmentation, bottom one doesn't.  Your embryos all so fragmented, like you old.  You definitely have endometriosis, and it affects eggs. Your eggs so dark, and shells so hard.  Can't believe you only have three, you make a me nervous."

After the conversation, we were told to go back to the waiting room.  About ten minutes later, they took me to the transfer room.  I was instructed to get naked from the waist down, and to cover myself with a sheet.  Once I was in position, Dr. Johnston came into the room, with the ultrasound tech, our nurse, Roxanne, and the embryologist.  Angel was told to stand next to me, and every time we made eye contact I started laughing.  When the procedure started, they placed the speculum, then the catheter, and using the ultrasound to guide the position, they injected the blastocysts into my uterus.  It has to have been one of the coolest experiences of my life, and Angel was just as in awe as I was.  The ultrasound screen was blank, then there were two bright, white, shining lights.  I was officially pregnant!  

They had me stay upside down on the table for about twenty minutes, then I was instructed to head home, and take it easy for a few days.  My pregnancy test was scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving, with a follow up test on Black Friday.  

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