Sunday, February 8, 2015

Post 67: Awkward Family

It's been very awkward since arriving at my uncle and aunt's house. I just knew that when we walked in, they would embrace us and tell us that God has a plan for our lives, and that He is ever faithful. I expected to talk about and pray with them, and to feel surrounded by God. Instead, it's been very different. My uncle has not spoken to me directly since we arrived two days ago. Conversations with my aunt have been brief and pointed, and there has been no conversation at all about how we're doing emotionally, physically, or spiritually.  When we crawled into bed last night, I asked Shaun if I was over analyzing the lack of interest, and he had the same feeling - that we're a nuisance for being here. My uncle and aunt are extremely religious, but are not conservative in the least. They are two of my favorite people, and are by far the relatives I'm closest to. Shaun and my uncle always golf together, and have endless discussions when they're together about life and God. Shaun said that when they golfed, my uncle wire headphones and listed to music for the first nine holes, and had very minimal conversation during the back nine. On the way home from their outing, my uncle made Shaun quite uncomfortable. He said things such as, "you're being stubborn, and clearly God doesn't want you to have a child. You need to work on your marriage and finances instead." He also told my parents that they should not have helped us with a loan to have a baby, and that they should pretty much kick us out of our house and let us fend for ourselves. My uncle thinks we are co-dependent on my parents, and can't make it on our own. 

I see things differently. Yes, we rent a house from my parents, and we do have a loan from them to front the cost of starting a family. However, we are both working, we have never missed a payment, and are treated the same as any other tenant. We do not expect them to pay for anything without us paying them back, and we expect to pay back every penny loaned as we are able. I also disagree with my uncle over God not wanting us to have children. He would not have placed the desire on my heart if it were not meant to be. I pray and ask that if we are not on the right path, that He would steer us in a new direction. Our marriage and relationship with God are stronger than they've ever been, and I know that I am staying the course, and am where I'm supposed to be. Shaun said that this weekend was a test, and we are being pressured by the Devil to lose hope. I value my uncle's opinion so highly, and am so shocked by his reaction, that I have to agree with Shaub. We will stay faithful and prayerful, and God will provide. 

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