Friday, February 6, 2015

Post 66: Birth Control and Biopsies

It has been a long week, made even longer with the start of our second fresh IVF cycle. Our protocol changed this time to include birth control to help lower my estrogen level before starting stimulation. I officially hate birth control, and have been so sick since starting it. It's only been three days so far, but I am constantly nauseous. I'd be perfectly ok if it was morning sickness, but since it's hormone related, it really sucks. To top it off, I also got to have another endometrial biopsy today. Yuck. The procedure hurt worse this time, and I am praying that my infection is cleared up, because I'm not sure if I can handle another biopsy. After the biopsy, we stopped by the pharmacy to pick up anti-nausea prescriptions, then headed to Florida for vacation! Two days and counting until we cruise!

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