Monday, February 2, 2015

Post 64: A Prayer to Heal the Broken


Please take away this pain that I'm feeling. This sense of emptiness and longing. My soul is shattered, and I am broken. Help my tears to stop, and my heart to heal. Give me strength to make it through this day. Let me be the bigger person, and accept the situation. Please don't let it ruin me, or any relationships within my family. Surround me in Your grace, and help me to praise You through this storm. Please let the end be near, and for the storm to pass. Help me see the rainbow that is promised, and to keep my eyes turned to You. When all I want is to scream and cry, allow me to be calmed and reassured that You have a plan. Please make known to me the path which I am to follow. Guide me, Lord. 


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