Saturday, September 27, 2014

Post 28: Holy Guacamole...I Still Hate Avocado

After three days of force feeding myself avocados, I still don't like them. After my first attempt at a turkey, cheese, and avocado sandwich, I decided to get a little more creative. Day 2 of the gross green diet included homemade taco chicken taquitos with an organic guacamole dipping sauce. I didn't like it, but I ate it! It did make me feel better though when my husband said I picked an awful tasting guacamole. Maybe there's hope for me yet, and I'll find, or make, the perfect guac eventually. 

Today's avocado endeavor included an avocado dressing with cucumbers, yellow tomatoes, and red peppers. The good news is it didn't taste anything like avocado, the bad news is I have to eat six cups of it to equal my daily 1/2 avocado. 

The gross-looking slimy, egg hold consistency sauce didn't look too appealing, but the flavor was pretty good. For the dressing, I took 1/2 an avocado and mashed it until it resembled a paste, then added about 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, and a packet of Italian dressing seasoning. I ate this with crackers, and I didn't hate it, so that's a plus!  

My next recipe, straight from pinterest, could go either way - Avocado brownies. Doesn't that just scream deliciousness? Supposedly you can take a boxed brownie mix and add a whole, mashed avocado and viola, brownies!  Maybe I'll add my daily does of walnuts to the mix for a little crunch. Ugh, this may end badly. 


  1. The brownies sound delicious, I can't wait to hear how they turn out!

  2. I can get on board with brownies.
