Monday, April 21, 2014

Post 7: My First Stone

Supposedly, your body is more fertile the three months following an HSG. Therefore, from December to February, we were like bunnies! So much so that in late January, I had my first bladder infection, which was also accompanied by a kidney stone. I do not wish a kidney stone on anyone - however, since everyone says kidney stones are similar to childbirth, I think I'll be ok when that day comes, since I passed the stone without any pain meds! 

A lot of drama came along with the kidney stone. The emergency room doctors didn't quite understand that there was a "chance" we were pregnant, but that we were in the dreaded two week wait (the time between ovulation and your next period), and didn't know for sure. When the doctor brought medication for me to take, I explained that we were actively trying to conceive, and I did not want any medication that was not advised for pregnant women. He assured me that the prescriptions were completely safe, and had me take the first dose of bactrim (antibiotic) and a pain killer. A few days later, I picked up the bottle of bactrim, and saw that there was a warning label for pregnant women! I called my local pharmacy, and was advised to immediately stop taking the prescription, and contact my OBGYN. The pharmacist stated that class A and B medications were safe during pregnancy, but that bactrim was class D, and was known to cause problems. So, I contacted David, and filled him in on what was happening, he contacted the pharmacist, and together, they decided it was best for me to continue the medication, as it only had ill effects in late pregnancy. 

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