Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Post 57: FET

Well, for the second time in my life, I am officially pregnant until proven otherwise! Our FET yesterday went wonderfully!

Even the embryologist was nicer about our outcome. He said he didn't know why the first two embryos didn't work, but that my prognosis was really good based on my high AMH number which shows egg quality. Our appointment started right on time, and the procedure was over in about 15 minutes. 

was so glad that Shaun got to go with me this time, so that he could see the embryo being transferred, it's still such a cool experience. I know the moment our child was formed in the womb. Hopefully, it will stay put, and stick around for the long haul! Also, we were given a few souvenirs yesterday, an ultrasound photo of our transferred embryo, and the tubes it was freezes in, which resemble Capri Sun straws in my opinion! 

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