Sunday, December 7, 2014

Post 52: Response to posts

I have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of responses to my public post about our infertility journey! Over fifty people have reached out either publicly or privately to offer support, or to share similar stories. What touched me most were over abundance of women who privately shared their story, and thanked me for publicly sharing my struggle, because the words I said out loud they had been screaming internally for years. I received message after message from friends, family, and strangers, about how they've always wanted to say the words I posted, but couldn't find the courage, or just weren't ready to share yet. I'm hopeful that I can be a pillar for these women, and help them in any way possible - whether through additional posts to bring awareness to infertility, or as someone who keeps their secret, and is there for when they need to talk. I feel that this is where God has lead me, and for the first time in a long time, I can breathe easier, and not have to watch what I'm saying, or who I'm saying it to. I can be real, open, and honest, and maybe make a difference in someone's life. I see now that this was God's plan - to use me as a voice for those who can't speak. 

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