Thursday, December 4, 2014

Post 50: When are you having kids?

After silently struggling with infertility, I will never ask anyone, "When are you having kids?" I've been asked this question more times than I care to think about, and always fumble over my words to come up with an excuse. Why do we do this though? Why don't we just tell everyone what we're going through, even if we only say it to shut them up! 

So, I should probably apologize to the next person that asks me when I plan of having children, because I'm tired of giving my normal answer. If it's someone I know well, I think I'm now going to say something among these lines: "Do you want the real answer or the cover story? The cover story is that we're thinking about having children, but are trying to find the right timing with the dance studio so we don't have to shut down for my absence. The real answer is that we've been trying for 2.5 years, with over a year of unsuccessful fertility treatments, including a lot of testing, 6 rounds of clomid, 3 IUI, IVF, and soon to be a FET. We've invested over $20,000 this year in TTC, and we may never be able to have children." I think that this statement may get people to stop asking questions! 

1 comment:

  1. My answer might help you some; "I don't know, I guess it's up to Mother Nature!". For me it's usually "are you planning to have more?" since I have one already.

    Honestly, I have never had anyone come back after that answer. It seems to wrap up the situation nicely without having to come out and say it.
